

另外,關於文章中可能會引用的電影台詞、劇照、片段等著作,我們會遵守現行的國內外法規、同時秉持自律原則,在使用過程中達到合理使用(fair use)的標準。下方為美國對於著作的合理使用(免責條款)原則之定義:

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.


  1. 本網站所利用之電影台詞和劇照,目的是為了文字評論的補充、加深讀者對人文社會學科的認識、在教學活動中作為參考的資料,甚至藉此提起讀者的興趣親自觀賞這部影視作品。因此本網站都會在這些使用內容旁附註資料來源,並會在文章末會附上延伸閱讀與參考文獻。
    The movie lines and stills used on this website are intended to supplement the written commentaries, to deepen readers’ knowledge of social sciences, to serve as a reference for educational activities, and even to draw readers’ interest to personally watch the film and television works. Therefore, this website will make a note of the source of the data next to these usages, and an extended reading and reference will be attached at the end of the article.
  2. 文章所引用的電影台詞、劇照、片段,除非得到著作權人的同意,我們並不會用於任何與商業、營利行為有關的活動中。
    The film lines, stills, and clips quoted in the article are not used in any activities related to commercial or profit-making activities unless the copyright owner has consented .
  3. 本網站所利用之電影台詞和劇照來自原著作的比例可能是一句台詞或是擷取一秒的定格畫面,並不會揭露原著作的所有內容、或讓此比例有失衡的可能。
    The proportion of film lines and stills used in this website from the original works may be a line or a frame of a second, and will not expose all the contents of the original work or make the ratio unbalanced.
  4. 另外,本網站會清楚將所引用的著作與本網站的文字評論做區隔,並在該著作旁附上資料來源與連結。
    In addition, this site will clearly distinguish the cited works from the text comments on this site, and attach sources and links beside the work.
  5. 最後,本網站會善盡最大責任保護所利用著作之原著作在市場上的價值與潛在價值。一旦著作權人認為權利受損,麻煩您跟我們聯絡,我們會以最大誠意、在最快時間內將爭議內容做調整。
    Finally, this website will do its utmost to protect the market value and the potential value of the original work. Once the copyright owner thinks that those rights are violated, please contact us. We will adjust the content of the dispute with the greatest sincerity and in the shortest possible time.

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